Its important to us that the people who live in our care homes are supported and cared for by staff who are appropriately qualified and have a very good understanding of their job role. All staff complete a full in-house induction before
commencing the 12-week Skills for Care Common Induction Standards. As part of the in-house induction programme all mandatory training is completed which includes; SOVA, health and safety, fire
safety, safe handling of medicines, manual handling, food hygiene, infection control, person centered planning, mental capacity, deprivition of liberty safeguards, managing challenging
behaviours (PROACT-SCIPr-UK) and epilepsy. Autism and implementing the principles of TEACCH training is provided and is tailored to meet the individual needs of the people who we support.
Training is regularly reviewed and updated. Staff are also given the opportunity to work towards the Health and Social Care Diplomas.