Vista Care is an independent provider of residential, supprted living and home care services, for younger adults with Learning Disabilities. We also support individuals across the Autistic spectrum and because we cater for challenging and complex needs we understand how a specialist staff team and environment can enable each individual to live their life to it's full potential. By working together we can ensure that our homes offer the range of care and support that commissioners are funding ......
As an organisation we are committed to working closely with local agencies and developing a partnership with the people who we support, their families and with other local facilities and providers. Our care homes are registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and quality monitoring inspections are carried out by the commissioners of the local authorities and NHS ......
Vista Care always aims for the very best quality of care and we believe that the people who we support must be safeguarded from the risk of abuse at all times. We have policies and procedures in place which work in line with the local safeguarding authority procedures and guidance from the CQC. Our policies and procedures also recognise the importance of national guidance such as that contained in 'No Secrets' (DOH). We also seek to fully comply with current legislation which includes the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivition of Liberty Safeguards ......
Here you can read what the families of the people who we currently support think of our care homes, service delivery and staff team ......