Positive Behaviour Support


The overall aim of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is to improve the quality of a person’s life and the quality of life for those around them. PBS is not a quick fix. PBS means that people receive the right support at the right time. The right conditions need to be created and maintained, so people can achieve the quality of life that they want and deserve to have. Successful implementation needs a whole organisational approach and ongoing commitment. 


We are introducing PBS in these five ways: 


1. Personalisation 

The support we provide will be personalised. We will evidence consistent actions being taken to enhance the quality of life and wellbeing of our residents. These actions will be created or agreed with the resident and written into a plan. The actions will support the resident, to be engaged in activities that were meaningful to them and would enable them, to experience an ordinary life within their own community. 


2. A psychological understanding of behaviour 

The support provided will be based on the psychological understanding of how that resident learns and what the behaviour of concern means for a person.  The PBS lead will use standardised assessment tools, to inform function-based interventions, that are practically applied to the benefit of the resident. Any assessment would take into account the resident’s history and their unique and individual characteristics, including their strengths, any cognitive differences, emotional and physical needs and any traumatic life events. 


3. Active implementation 

The support will be well planned, implemented and monitored There is clarity around every person’s role and responsibilities, together with evidence of good leadership at the service and organisational level. Support will be progressive and developmental for the resident and all other people involved. This will include the teaching and learning of new skills. Any restrictions deemed necessary, would be kept under continual review and the least restrictive approach will always be taken. 


4. Evidence based

The support will be based on different kinds of data collected and analysed and will be used to inform assessment, to evaluate intervention, to monitor and improve the quality of life and wellbeing of the resident and others. Information is collected from the resident themselves, their families and supporters, to evaluate improvement for our resident. 


5. Multicomponent interventions 

Support will be implemented at different levels and in different ways. We will use proactive strategies to prevent or reduce the triggers and events that evoke or maintain the behaviours of concern. Interventions are designed to support personal development, with the learning and maintenance of new skills. Coping strategies will be prioritised and there will be evidence that the environment is altered to ensure the best possible fit for the resident. There are reactive strategies to help people keep safe when needed. Support will be based on assessed need and may utilise a range of evidence-based therapies.


The PBS approach is integrated with our Proactscipr training that all Vista Care Ltd staff are trained in and the PBS lead and ProActScipR trainer work closely together to promote this culture in all services. 


The PBS lead has completed with the British Institute of Learning Disabilities:

  • Foundation Level 1A: Introduction to Positive Behaviour Support
  • Practitioner Level 1B: Next Steps in Positive Behaviour Support 
  • The CAPBS Positive Behaviour Support Coaches Programme 
  • Basic Functional Behaviour Assessment 


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