This Vista Care home provides accomodation for 4 people with Learning Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders with complex needs and behaviours that challenge. The home is a bungalow and is adapted to meet the needs of those who may have limited mobility. All rooms including bathrooms and shower rooms are easily accessible. There is also a spacious lounge, dining room, quiet area, seperate laundry facilities and a fully equipped modern kitchen.
Nene House also benefits from a beautiful garden, patio area, small vegetable area, sensory area and a play area. The home is community based and is in the small market town of Thrapston. Amenities are easily accessible and include a post office, bank, gp surgery, dentist, opticians, library, supermarket, independent shops, community centre, leisure centre with gym and swimming pool, resteraunts and cafes. The home is also very close to many country parks and walks. A short drive and you will arrive at the larger town(s) of Kettering and Corby. The home has its own transport to take people on visits and enables them to participate in community life as much or as little as they wish.
Every aspect of the home is considered; from the location and design of the building; to the interior decor and furnishings; and the lighting and heating system. The home is run by an experienced manager with a team of caring and dedicated support staff. Staff are engaged in ongoing training to meet the specific needs of the people living at Nene House. The routines, meals and activities available reflect the particular challenges that individuals may have, particularly around sensori-perceptual issues, communication, socilisation and flexibility of thought and behaviour. Staffing levels are of a high ratio which ensures that each person can fully participate in indoor and outdoor interests; whilst not compromising their safety. Intervention is offered from a behavioural perspective and strategies from the TEACCH approach are used to facilitate learning and development.
Our aim is to help individuals live fullfilling lives and to achieve positive outcomes. We are passionate about the work we do and are proud of the support we deliver and the difference it makes to a person's life. Individuals are supported to enjoy life in a safe and happy environment and by creating a supportive environment we believe that all individuals with Learning Disabilities and ASD with complex needs have the ability to meet their full potential and experience valued lives.